Indigenous Estate Economic Potential

Despite their differences and operative standards, the survival and well-being of communities and organizations are dependent on some strategies and plans that are not meant to last for a single term, but they run into generations to come. Long term plans that can facilitate off-springs in flourishing their future are very important to be put in place ahead of time.

Sky is the limit for Indigenous lands


The same goes for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia as they need some properly laid out strategies to make sure that they can achieve their true potential. Native to Australia, they occupy 40% of the interests in different forms of landscape and assets, and because of that, they hold a significant place in the Australian economy.

Now, it is vital to make sure that indigenous estate and its assets, both tangible assets such as the land, water and other resources and intangible assets such as cultural heritage, language, and other practices, are treated in a way to bring growth to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.


Stepwise approach for the nourishment of indigenous estate

  1. Better understanding

First and foremost, we need to understand the true value of the indigenous estate and assets. For that reason, a comprehensive overview of the estate and assets is needed that is not limited to a particular region. Coupled with the desires, objectives, and hopes of the Islanders and Aboriginals, we can use these assets to create opportunities for the people to give them a platform to grow and prosper.

  1. Establishing a consistent and facilitating framework on a national level

The benefit of configuring a framework for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders is that it will allow them to speak up and shape a better future for their generations to come. Such a framework on a national level will help us tackle all the problems that they are facing and will enable the natives and us to utilize the riches and assets in a way that is accepted by all the concerned parties and partners.

  1. Articulating advanced policies

Unfortunately, the true worth of the indigenous estate and natives has not been recognized yet. This is why there are no clear frameworks that can foster the opportunities that peoples require. A clear and enabling framework will create an environment in which the natives can put forward their aspirations. The government will be well-equipped to carry those aspirations forward for the betterment of the people.

  1. Long term planning

Investment of capital and assets to meet short-term needs is a threat to sustainability, durability, and permanence of any nation or organization. Using indigenous estate and assets to plan and strategize for the long term will make it possible for the people to survive and make them self-sufficient.

  1. Improving commercial guidance and counseling

Lack of advice and expert opinions has led the natives to be commercially insufficient. To remedy this problem, a system in which they can access advanced information and commercial guidance is to be laid out. This will enable them to better utilize their wealth and will help them actively engage in commercial activities.

In addition to all of the above, we need to make sure that the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders have their rights reserved concerning the Indigenous estate and their assets. Regulated access to the different landscapes in the indigenous estate will provide the people flexibility, and their trust in the authorities will grow.


Resources Used

Unlocking the potential of the ‘Indigenous Estate’ – KPMG Australia

See Map of Indigenous Australia –


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